Welcome Moon Rabbit Friends AND thank you for taking some time out of your day to practice in meditation!
Instruments and frequency based tools have been utilized for thousands of years to support people in celebration, ceremony, ritual, communication, healing, meditation, and prayer. To this day every religion and remaining indigenous society utilizes music in it’s varying forms as a foundational element of community and connection. In fact, research shows us that repetitive drumming, communal singing, the reciting of mantra, and even listening to Mozart can profoundly impact us in many ways including the state of our nervous system, our blood pressure, our physiology, and even our state of consciousness. That being said, the following meditation experience is not a therapeutic intervention, but serves as a vehicle from which listeners can work with a set intention to let go of stress and relax.
This recording was captured live at a sold out meditation event held at Lincoln Park’s Honeycomb Pavilion in the summer of 2023 and was created by Jay Taylor and Sam Thousand. If you are looking for more recordings and/or opportunities to experience a live sound meditation, please head to CurrentVibrations.com. Take care!
P.S. Headphones are highly recommended